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Synchronized double mass inertial propulsion.
I want to present an improvement of presented earlier simple inertial propulsion method. Presented than method was only single generator operation basics explanation. Now I want to present slightly more advanced system based on those preliminary explanations in form of simple drawings and animations. First, this system in updated version is paired to avoid uncontrolled indirectly spread movement of the device. The system is like Dean's drive method with the difference of movable bar inside of the device, system consists of two equal masses attached to this bar in every inertial force generator. Those masses are affected by centrifugal force as they rotate, however they are rotate on asymmetric trajectory due to the curvature of external case, which is pushing them on this specific trajectory, so they extend much more on upper side then on the lower side thus centrifugal force is not equal on the vertical direction, however other part of centrifugal force is cancelled due to synchronization of the system.
The system has one electric motor and one gear set which is delivering the power to the device. To avoid friction all elements, have ball bearings, six in every generator are applied as a suspension for the bar, and they are the through hub with the help of, this bar can simultaneously rotate and move along its own main axis. On the ends of this bar there are also masses and they have also two ball bearings in the center of themselves. The device in assumption should produce linear lift against gravity. It is not clear if in construction stage some technical problems don't appear. Now this is only a free conception.
The device is predicted to rotate with high RPM, but I suggest making sure firstly what position of central hub is the best for the work of the system - notice that if the hub was too low the system can not to be able to rotate good enough, due to the friction and constructional defects. If the hub will be placed too close to case geometric center the result force can be not enough to practical use. The mass of entire system can't be too big due to speed of rotation and the summary weight of working elements - if they are not optimal, system may not to work at a full efficiency and not enough lift can be generated. This is inertial propulsion method not popular in scientific and academic circles, and I hope this will not be confirmed in form of calculation but experimentally, if the thrust will be detected than this will be enough confirmation and good assumptions proof.
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