Minimal hop experiment and slip stick experiment.
I've decided to repeat my minimal hop experiment. I have built more accurate experimental set. I plan to connect the set to transformer which will be connected to home electricity net 230V 50 Hz. I will have an ability to control the gap in the system by application of brass or plastic washers in the case the gap would be too large for 50 Hz. I was trying to apply the square wave generator but after several seconds of working it was burned down. Within this term the system was tended to work correct, but with less force than I was predicted. The result was insufficient, so I decided to use a transformer, but I must accept the fact that I will not have an opportunity to control the work frequency of the system as I had in the case of the generator use. If the system will fall in correct vibration frequency it should loose half of its weight in each upper phase and gain 1,5 weights in every lower phase. Anyway, it should be able to move on table in vibrations. It should not levitate or something like that. It should move on vibration cushion. This system works only on single jump, but the magnet should fall after each up aimed movement. I will consider delivering the energy from a large condenser as a one-time discharge system, so I will obtain more energy in just one jump instead of application of vibrations obtained from application of transformer. However, this system needs underneath surface for take-off. I will be trying to make this system more independent. Maybe if I will manage to put together two such a systems, one on the upper side and the second on the bottom with equal the mass of permanent magnets, but on top I will mount a spring, so the one coil will be repeal and attract the magnets with respect to their polarization, so the system will be balanced but only according the mass, not a force which will be asymmetric thanks to application of short spring.
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