Inertial magnetic system with three steel balls.
I want to add some information about my prediction according three independent ball inertial system driven magnetically. The simplicity of this system is based on simultaneous magnetic attraction between balls and centrifugal force acting in this system creating by the same magnetic interaction. Electromagnets will be creating circular rotating magnetic field at the bottom of each propulsion unit in number of three. Electromagnets will be accelerating the balls, and the balls will be climbing by application of centrifugal force upon external casing from the inside inclined slightly to the up aimed main axis. The two-directional interaction between balls and the electromagnets would be responsible for linear approximate thrust which should occur during the rotation because of centrifugal force acting.
The vibrations coming from every single unit will be canceled by joined acting of three generators. The inclination of the walls - external casing should be chosen carefully and with proper calculation. The generators should be closed at the upper part not allowing to escape the balls outside the walls. The entire system should have an electronic control allowing for continuous increasing the speed of rotation of the balls, thus the system can work on equilibrium point all the time.
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