IPRL - Inertial propulsion research laboratory history and current state.
I have started lately to build a development of my laboratory and I am adding two additional rooms to one that was located on my attic. Unfortunately, I have encountered on several troubles. For now I have completed the laboratory furniture set in my attic although I have lost almost all of movable equipment from the laboratory. I have not enough financial resources for fast equipping of my laboratory. I have some equipment for machining works which was entirely mine and it is located in my laboratory rooms on the basement. I must say that the problem is that nobody wants to take the risk of inertial propulsion stuff, so I can count only on me and the same type of people like me who are not afraid of following such challenges. Some people are strong opponents of inertial propulsion devices and the people like me are treated by them like specific kind of madmen. However, as usually in this case the main problems are crashing on financial abilities not mental abilities of any person. No people are interested in investing in such solutions if the theoretical base is not established by commercial scientists and this is wrong in my opinion. According to my observations I suspect that no people will undertake proper action in this direction because of current deal which is dominating air and space transport, despite of so many trials of so many people in private sector trying to make inertial propulsion reality as fast as it is possible. Usually people are taking for constant the deal that no propulsion is possible if there is no emission of hot gases or existing of propellers and naturally I can understand it because no one has presented yet no other working solutions in the situation where wider public attention would be engaged for longer term of time despite of the the fact that there were many actions of so called mad scientists which were pushed on the margin by local institutions, government or international concerns acting locally which were willing to safe their local zones of influence which could be endangered by some inventions made by those scientists. Nevertheless, inertial propulsion is still pseudoscience topic for standard science based people but I think that nobody until now haven't confirmed definitely that this propulsion doesn't work in the case of every kind of device. At the other hand there're still appearing some rumors that the certain examples of propulsion are really working and someone is presenting some positive effects on certain webpages with own constructed devices. In my case my laboratory has no stable incomes, if I had them I would gain already some success with my concepts, I think. Something is stopping me continuously in gaining success time after time. Lately the great obstacle on this way was my pal which withdraw his part of equipment from my lab and he moved to other town but in fact he was never really interested in inertial propulsion stuff and in reality knowing him was never made sense for me as it comes out, and I lost six years on nothing. The second mistake was my attempt of having a small bussines in polish circumstances so I have a debt from my activity which I am paying until now. I must admit that doing single person bussines in Poland was economic suicide and it is suicide right now, nothing is changed. I don't want to talk about my personal mistakes and situation, because that is not a point of this post. I only want to indicate and show that I will not give up, so I will be working slowly but consequently, because I don't see other solution in my situation. I will not drop my ideas right now I will wait for the opportunity for check them out. I'll also take the risk of fail. However, if there are some rumors that sounds positively and promising on the inertial propulsion topic, maybe some truth is written in their content. I am still willing to find the answer for inertial propulsion challenge but with my small financial abilities it is almost impossible to obtain even in ten years from now and time is not on my side although I am still young. For me most important thing is consequently keeping own way. I am only surprised that no government activity is appearing in any country if we dealing with inertial propulsion, though some institutions and governments have enough financial resources for obtaining the progress. Developing rocket technology will lead to us to nowhere.
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