H. Coanda effect part 2.

Coanda's effect I've written certain time ago is seems to be the simple way for building simpler and more solid aerial or even cosmic vehicle and propulsion systems. In closed medium containers in gaseous substance (air, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, etc.) some propulsion can be achieved without any contact with external surrounding. In separated systems Coanda's force is still active, nevertheless that in conventional systems based on Coanda's force as some plane technology, the solutions seems to be not possible to work correctly. I have thought about the system to be activated in the interior of  hypothetical space station moving on conventional orbit with standard atmosphere inside. Once the system is turned on the orbit of the station can be raised. This system was meant to be based only on gas dynamical properties. The air inside the space station will move in laminar flow on the curved circular wing, so the surface of the wing is sucked up due to dynamic and inertial properties of gas. The inertia is the most important force here, the gas has enough dynamic speed to make vacuum between itself and the surface of the wing. So in this specific situation, where outside of the space station is only vacuum, the entire force acting on the station can be only result of internal forces and no forces outside can change the conditions inside the station according to Newton's laws of dynamics. However if the internal propulsion system in form of this wing is mounted inside to the body of the station in a permanent way allowing the gas to flow creating Coanda's force, the result force can affect entire station's construction including the body and the air inside using only the same air that is inside of the station. So the result force is not null because no adequate opposite reaction exists, besides spread force after the decompression of the air inside that result low pressure air is not in state to be equal to the force coming from concentrated stream of gas used to the propulsion of the system. H. Coanda wasn't gone so far in his considerations and his limitations was related to only the aerial conceptions of the vehicles. In the times where H. Coanda was living there was no too big interest of his conceptions so the application of those conceptions in space vacuum was seems to be for some people in his generation even less plausible and not worthy to worry about. The same system can be achieved in a little more dense medium like water or more heavy gases. Maybe in this picture below the system is too tight but this is only scheme of working principle and not the executive drawing.

H. Coanda was designing various kinds of aerial vehicle. In our times is known as the inventor of the first jet engine which was used in conventional plane. On the picture below the disc shaped vehicle is shown which H. Coanda designed in 1932 year. The main conception in this case of plane was the application of air flow near the circular surface wing shape and this was enough to obtain the lift what was sucked the plane vertically up. The power was delivered by several jet engines inside this solid construction without external wings.

The Coanda's force can be thus used in vacuum conditions, but no exchange of forces between inside and outside are than needed. So similarly to inertial drives this cases of propulsion simply are violating of 3rd Newton law and no any constructive answer can be found if one want to explain this only within Newtonian laws of physics. However the simplicity of Newton laws of dynamic as well as energy conservation law are still a main battlefield for people from standard physic approach and those who are disappointed of standard physic and want to check something else in technology. One should notice, that no equation can be find between science and technology as long as the scientific approach is only still virtual conception based in mathematics and no impact in really advanced technology can be find for now, especially if one have to deal with gravity, time and space and there are still too many paradoxes at the end of considerations of too many scientists.


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